7th International Conference on
Intelligent Virtual Agents

IVA 2007
17th - 19th September 2007
Paris, France
Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVAs) are autonomous, graphically embodied agents in an interactive, 2D or 3D virtual environment. They are able to interact intelligently with the environment, other IVAs, and especially with human users. The conference is an interdisciplinary forum for researchers and practitioners in computer graphics, animation, computer games, virtual environments, artificial intelligence, natural language processing, cognitive modeling, human-computer interaction and artificial life. Since the first IVA back in 1999, firm lines of research have been established but there is much that the graphics and AI communities can learn from each other.

Quick links:
conference programme - printer friendly version - keynote speech information
LNCS proceedings info - online proceedings

IVA Gala

GALA, Gathering of Animated Lifelike Agents, is an annual festival to showcase the latest Animated Lifelike Agents created by university students, academic or industrial research groups. This year the GALA Final will take place during IVA07; click here for more details.

Past IVA conferences: 2006, Marina del Rey, USA - 2005, Kos Island, Greece - 2003, Irsee, Germany - 2001, Madrid, Spain - 1999, Salford, UK - 1998, Salford, UK

IVA07 is organized by

Université Paris 8 LIMSI - CNRS ENST Universität
France Telecom National Technical
University of Athens

IVA07 is sponsored by

France Telecom IST FP6 IP Callas
Hosted by the National Technical University of Athens